Li Siqi hasn’t woken up yet, but he heard Qi Yufeng look out of the window and say, "The so-called history is just people dressing up little girls. Who would have thought that this Mongolian Yuan disaster had created so many tragedies in the sky, slaughtered so many people’s houses, burned down the ruins of Chengguo Qiuxu, and cut off those people’s bones? Who can believe it if you didn’t see it with your own eyes?"

“那些历史涂脂抹粉文人墨客天天嚷着华夷辨儒生把这种野蛮残暴说成是文化融合把种族灭绝说成是军功伟绩侵略者歌功颂德认贼父他们自己就凭借着一支笔就能将屠夫洗得干干净净么?嘿嘿嘿嘿” 李思齐听到这句话久久不言他现在先前身份这些话听来自然是大逆不道可是他自己却也是汉人知道蒙古残暴百年历史想到一介少年人居然能把仇恨贯彻到这种程度心中也不由得感叹 他微微阖眼帘眼前顿时也浮现出了那些堆积如山尸骨论是老人孩还是孕妇他们都被割掉了头颅打断了筋骨油煎炮烙甚被筑进城垒中按照男女老少分类,摆成高高金字塔 他们把孕妇肚刨杀死里面婴儿;他们在丈夫和父亲面前强奸他们妻和女儿;他们把所有华美房屋都焚毁腐烂死尸污染水源使那些侥幸逃脱幸者也要被冻死饿死 即使有主动乞降献财宝也要被挑破肚皮看看肠胃中是否有藏匿金银 他们说“人生最大快乐在于到处追杀你敌人侵略他们土地掠夺他们财富然后听他们妻儿女痛哭” 他们野蛮残忍知道破坏、征掠夺从来不知道建设所即使入主中原几近百年也很少有人通晓中原文字和知识 数可创造财富生命就这样死去了整个世界荒草凄凄奄奄一息剩了那个成吉思汗口中那个青天大大牧场 ? Li Siqi heaved a sigh and […]

It is true that Yu Shaoshao’s ability of deduction and deduction really surprised Jing Xuan. According to her estimation, even if the law is rudimentary, the power is less than a third, which is enough to trap the early Yuan baby. I didn’t expect to meet Yu Shao, a freak, and stare blankly was all changed by him in a very short time, and it was raining and sloppy. If it weren’t for Yu Shao’s extraordinary strength and Jing Xuan’s dying body, maybe everyone would try to grab the handsome man and pass it on.

After learning that Yu Shao didn’t have much interest in the way of law formation, […]

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